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How Flossing Once a Day Can Save Your Life

October 8, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — longmid @ 4:42 am

Everyone knows to brush their teeth twice a day and floss daily. However, many people continue to neglect to floss regularly, thinking it’s no big deal. But skipping this crucial step in your oral hygiene routine doesn’t just affect your oral health, it can decrease your chances of living a longer life as well. Multiple recent studies have proven a correlation between longevity and flossing. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at these studies and explain their findings – just keep reading!

The Link Between Flossing Teeth and General Health

It’s no secret that brushing and flossing regularly can lead to a healthy life. These oral hygiene practices help prevent oral health problems and can lower your risk of health conditions like heart disease, dementia, kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and even cancer.

Recent studies have looked at the number of remaining teeth in people over 50 and their oral hygiene habits. They found that those who never flossed had a 30 percent increased risk of death compared to those who floss every day. Additionally, those who flossed by never brushed their teeth before bed had similar results in their life expectancy. Even though these studies don’t show a cause-and-effect connection between oral hygiene habits and living a long life, they prove that these practices are essential to keep yourself healthy – and that plays a significant role in helping you stay alive longer.

How to Floss Your Teeth Correctly

Did you know that flossing your teeth the wrong way is almost as bad as not doing it at all? You must do it correctly to effectively remove food particles and plaque from the areas your toothbrush can’t reach. Here’s how to do it correctly:

Choose the Right Dental Floss

Nylon and monofilament are two general types of dental floss. The nylon type comes waxed or unwaxed and is available in several flavors. However, because it’s made up of many filaments, it can easily shred in your mouth. Monofilament floss won’t shred in the same way, but it’s often the more expensive option. Since both types of floss do an equally good job, the right choice between the two is entirely up to you.

Use a Proper Technique

To reap the health benefits of flossing, you must do it correctly. Here’s a step-by-step guide on the proper technique:

  • Break off about a foot and a half of floss. Wind the string around the middle fingers of each hand and leave about a 2-inch gap in the middle.
  • Hold the floss taut with your thumbs and index finger. Place it in between two teeth, and gently slide it up and down, rubbing it against both sides of each tooth.
  • Once you reach the base of each tooth, curve the floss to form a C shape, allowing it to slip under the gumline and clean plaque underneath. Repeat the steps as you move from tooth to tooth and use a new, clean section of floss.

As you can see, there are many reasons why flossing your teeth every day is a habit you should develop. By doing it regularly, you can enjoy a healthy smile and live a longer life!

About the Practice

At Long Family Dental, we always go the extra mile to give patients the care and attention they deserve. Our team strives to make patients feel like a member of our very own family. We enjoy educating our patients to help them make confident and informed decisions about their oral health. To learn more about the benefits of flossing, visit our website or call (972) 775-3192.

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